About Us
As a Businessperson, I know how important and profitable it is to have a simple and accurate accounting system. My accounting practice started in Athens GA, Clarke County and has now expanded to West Orange NJ, Essex County. Our services include full-charge bookkeeping, payroll, acquisition of business financing, and the creation of small business corporations. We help business owners lower their taxes, control their cash flow, and most importantly, increase their profits.
We offer a complete hand-posted or computerized accounting system that is exclusively designed for your specific business. You can do your own books, let my company do all your bookkeeping/accounting for you, or we can do them together, including your monthly billings and income statements, and Business Taxes. The cost of quick and accurate accounting is so small that you will be amazed.
At KNH FINANCIALS LLC, we take it upon ourselves to let our future clients and customers know that we are quick and accurate with our work, and we have happy clients to prove it! KNH FINANCIALS LLC is a great company that is doing very well with clients in the UK, Canada, and the US. Our services include Bookkeeping, Payroll, individual and Business Taxes.
Advance Bookkeepers LLC, now known has KNH FINANCIALS LLC was formed January 2006, with a very bright and promising future. Thanks to all our existing customers and clients, and a warm welcome to the new customers and clients to our family. Let’s make the next 10 years rewarding. KNH FINANCIALS LLC is dedicated to help small businesses stay in business.
Remember KNH FINANCIALS LLC, Professionals @ What We Do

Our Customers

D'Athens LLC
"Very professional and on time would recommend to all my business contacts"
Brian Mitchell
"Currently takes care of my Accounting, Quarterly Taxes, and run Payroll for my company, professional and always on time"
Saadikay LLC
"Always on call, present for all issues with IRS and help clean up my Quickbooks."